Thursday, December 4, 2008

What is the date...12/4!


I hope everyone is doing well. I have posted more pics below. I have more and will post soon. We are really enjoying ourselves and getting to know more about where we currently call home. Cory and I had our first surf lessons today! What a total blast. We both got up on almost everywave. Ok, not the big waves they have here. But, the baby learner waves. Everything is going well. The last few days we have settled in even more. I have to admit is definetly a process when you move from having everything to a town with dirt roads with pothols at big as a small car! The people are really nice and as soon as you tell them you are here for 6 months all of a sudden you are not a tourist, but someone of "the" community. We already found a babysitter, Rachel. She lives next to us and is from Austin, TX. The kids really like here and she knows everyone around here and many people trust her to babysit. We are starting to really enjoy it. At first Cory and I thought what the heck did we do? Then the first week felt like vacation the 2nd week was a major adjsutment and now we are feeling good about everything. I am sure we will have days where we really wonder what we are doing, but no regrets! Living in Nosara is hard to explain. It is what most american's would consider a bit rough, but you really have all that you need. It is a small beach town with dirt roads. I keep saying dirt roads because sometimes I think to myself...I live on a dirt road where when it rains the pot holes fill up and people get exctied for the rain. It keeps the dust down. Well that is enough for now. Think of you all often. Take care.

1 comment:

AntoneClan said...

What an adventure! I am glad to hear things are going well and you are all settling in to a routine. Keep the posts coming! Cynthia Antone