Monday, January 5, 2009

Change of plans!

I have not been taking as many pictures lately, but thought I would update you on what we have been doing and most importantly where we are off to. We have decided to travel more now that we are down here we are getting the travel bug. We have met some many people who are traveling with children and visited so many places. So, we have decided to leave Nosara and travel around Costa Rica for 10 days then we are catching a plane and heading down to Uruguay. Sounds maybe crazy to some, but we (Cory) actually did research on Uruguay also. I just couldn't take the leap to travel down there (so far away), but since we are down here why not. The World is too big to stay in one place. Who knows where this adventure will take us, so we definetly need to take advantage of it. Our goal is to figure out who can live somewhere like Costa Rica or Uruguay part time and part time home in "sunny" Oregon. Stay tuned for news and pics.


Anonymous said...

If you really go down into South America, please keep those little ones'll be a l-o-n-g way from home. Have you and miss you all lots!!

KSiroshton said...

Oh boy I can't wait to see pictures of your next few weeks while you are traveling.
I have started a folder of all the pictures you are sending and see your tan little bodies across my screen saver.
Have a safe trip and experience all you can!!!
Love you
P.S. Check your email for pictures of your four legged kid.