Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Almost back!

Well it is official...this time next week we will be on an airplane back to the US. First stop Houston and Starbucks. I have to admit I am addicted to caffeine (coffee). The coffee is awesome in Costa Rica, but it has some of the lowest caffeine. That is why it is hard to find 100% Costa Rican coffee beans in the US. We like it strong and it usually is blended with some other coffee to make it stronger. The coffee in Uruguay well...they don't really drink it. They drink Herba Mate which is like a tea, but very ceremonial for them. They take it everywhere they go. I have not tried it, but I am bringing some home to try with my dad. In the grocery stores here they have a very small section for coffee and then an entire aisle for Herba Mate. I didn't really know there was such a difference between each brand, but...I am sure there is.
The kids have 1 day left of homeschooling and they are finally getting into the rhythm of it. Of course! I am so proud of them sticking with their studies. They have learned alot. Karen is leaving on Sunday for her journey back to Lima, Peru. She is going to Buenas Aires, AR then to Paraguay, then to La Paz, Bolivia, then final destination Lima, Peru. From there she is heading back to Chicago for the Summer then off to China for year to teach English and learn Mandarin Chinese. We wish her very safe travels and she better stay in touch!
Anyway...we are enjoying waking up to the sunshine everyday. We will certainly miss that, but can't wait to see beautiful Oregon.
See you all soon!

1 comment:

Kurt and Elena said...

We are really looking forward to seeing you...Ü